什麼東西都不要想,看自己想要爬的路線就好 Don't think , just focus on your path |
每個人都會有自己的想法跟觀念,如果觀念跟大多數人一樣,那麼你/妳就是一般人 If your ideas align with the majority, then you are everyone
自己看不到,就讓大家看 Let everyone else see it |
老師就像伸出手把我們從谷底撈起來一樣,把我們救出來 He reached out his hand, pulled up and then rescued us from the valley |
要思考、觀察,就能發現別人看不見的地方,看出它的價值 By thinking and observing, one can discover what others cannot see and recognize its value
之前我們都找不到話題,導致很尷尬,但現在我們每天都聊得起來 Previously, we couldn't find any topics, leading to awkwardness, but now we chat every day |
我發現很多人都忘了生活中有個東西是很需要的那個東西叫家人 |
心中想什麼,身體就會做出相對應的事 What the mind conceives, the body will act upon accordingly |
他們在打球,我呢在一旁想事、發呆,就走走路,看東西,那時我在自己的世界裡 They were playing ball, while I was on the side, lost in thought, daydreaming, taking a stroll, looking at things – I was in MINECRAFT |
今天下午老師帶我們去走了步道,他帶我們去走一個世外桃源 This afternoon, he took us for a walk on the trail, leading us to a hidden wildness |
我今年兩歲半,有時候覺得不爽就會咬人 I am two and a half years old . Sometimes, when I feel dame, I might bite
我知道可能是答案,但不知道要用哪種方式說出來 |
沒錢不會死,但沒錢又很難生活 No money won't cause death, but
女生們又來了,她們有把不喜歡吃的都挑給老師,當時老師的飯盒都堆成小山了 吃完後老師在講取長沙和讓箭的故事 The girls have arrived again, and they are giving him the picky food. Meanwhile, the teacher's lunchbox had piled up like a hill ...
2023年11月16日 星期四
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